Understand How Playing Basketball Well

3 min read

If you are too close to the ball, dribbling becomes useless. You become trapped and cannot move in any direction without losing control of the ball. The closer your hands are to one another on the ball, the less you will be able to use them for dribbling maneuvers.

If you are too close to the 토토 ball, passes become useless. You cannot use your hands to catch and control the pass. The relationship between dribbling and passing has a practical purpose in basketball. If you are further from the basket than your opponent is from his, then a shot will not be an option as you run out of space or attempt a layup. By dribbling toward the basket, you create space and time to move in the direction that makes sense. If this means passing instead of shooting, it is more likely that shots will be made when they are most needed.

Dribbling has many functions in any sport besides the obvious one. It makes the action more fluid when moving from point A to point B, which helps make the game more dynamic and exciting. Dribbling also allows players to have a better understanding of their opponent’s tendencies. They not only become familiar with each other but also learn about themselves and how their game can be improved through practice.


Basketball is unique because it uses offensive and defensive techniques that do more than advance the ball across the floor towards your opponent’s goal. To win, your opponent must move away from his goal as you try to fight for control of the ball. A player trying to dribble away from an opponent knows exactly what his opponent will do and can adjust his game accordingly.

The dribble is not only an offensive or defensive technique but also a skill that allows a player to move the ball quickly and efficiently towards its destination without losing control. A dribble is a functional tool in almost everything a player does on the court. As you start to understand its many functions, you’ll be better able to develop yourself as a basketball player on offense and defense.

To understand dribbling, you will first need to know what an offensive and defensive player is trying to accomplish. On offense, a dribbler wants to get the ball from one place in the court to another as quickly as possible by moving it in the most efficient way possible. To do this, he may make a series of decisive moves that enable him to reach his destination at high speed.


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