Understand the use of numbing cream for tattoos

3 min read

While tattoos are becoming more popular, the truth is that they are extremely painful. Tattoos hurt in different ways depending on factors including placement, type of tattoo, and style.

A numbing cream is the one solution for alleviating some of the pain when putting on tattoos. Numbing cream exists in two types: cream (to apply before putting tattoo) and liquid (in the form of gel or spray, for after the skin has been broken). Numbing cream is used before you start tattooing and the skin is still intact, while gels and sprays need the epidermis to be open to penetrate.

A little numbing cream can often mean the difference between completing your tattoo and having to return for a second or third session. If you know your tattoo would be on a very sensitive spot, such as the elbow, you can only use the Tattoo numbing cream on that area. Whatever you do, you should always use numbing cream with caution, as there are risks associated with improper application.

Know how to use numbing cream:

Ensure that the numbing cream softens the skin and has no long-term effects if you use it correctly.

First, Allow the area of skin to be tattooed to dry after washing it with soap and water.

Next, cover your hand with a clean glove and taking a generous amount of numbing cream in your palm, rub the numbing cream on the region to work effectively, and add a generous layer over the skin. It should be around 1mm thick all over.

Cling wrap, cling film, or a sterile cheesecloth-like material may be used to cover the cream. It’s best to cover it 45 minutes to an hour before starting your tattoo.

Then remove the numbing cream with the slightly wet cloth before applying the stencil.

Numbing creams and other numbing products are advised to apply before putting the tattoo to get relief from the pain.

Effect of numbing cream

  • After applying the Tattoo numbing cream then the tattoo starts putting tattoo, you will never feel any pain for 45 minutes to an hour.
  • The effect of numbing cream will gradually decrease over the next two hours
  • If you have a plan to put a larger design tattoo, consider the numbing cream and that will be most powerful. If you have work to do on your elbows, under your ribs, or on your knees that could be the best place to start the tattoo to get the most out of the numbing agent.

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